+49 89 747 202 0
Grilled courgette and a glass of white wine

Grilled courgette and a glass of white wine

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Hands holding a pile of soil at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
Hands holding stones at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
A hand holding a bunch of white wine grapes at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
Hands holding an apple at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
White wine grapes on the vine at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
Grilled courgette and a glass of white wine
White wine grapes on the vine at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
A sunflower
White wine grapes on the vine at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany
A Saint Nicholas figure at the Peter Jakob Kühn winery in the Rheingau region of Germany

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Cena: od 90 PLN
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Numer zdjęcia:12239504
Tytuł:Grilled courgette and a glass of white wine
Rodzaj licencji:Rights-managed
Fotograf/Kolekcja:StockFood / Jalag / Bassler, Markus
Rozmiar zdjęcia:3413 px x 5120 px